Monday, April 29, 2013

Meeting Tonight: Healthy St. Mary's Partnership

All are welcome to attend tonight's meeting of the
Community Initiative for A Healthy St. Mary's
at the Lexington Park Library at 5:30 p.m.
Participants can assist in community level efforts
surrounding obesity, chronic disease,
tobacco use and substance abuse.
Hope to see you there!

Friday, April 26, 2013

PROM Time!

WHOA - NOT a pretty picture!

Prom time -
make it something you will want to remember,
not something you want to forget!

Dresses, tuxedos, flowers, hair appointments, dinner reservations, where to take the photos, and after prom party plans - a whole lot going on!

We aren't going to lecture you and tell you to not drink - you can make choices which are right for you. So if your prom plans do include drinking alcohol, please be careful. Excessive or binge drinking can have disastrous results ... and hugging the toilet is minor compared to what can happen.

Be SAFE! Here are some awesome suggestions:

1. Designated drivers or limo services = awesome!
2. Be careful of your intake - too much, too fast can be too much.
3. Buddy System - you learned about it in kindergarten and it's still a solid plan.
4. Keep your phone close.
5. Listen to your intuition - if you have even the slightest feeling that you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, then make a new plan and get rolling.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Winner of the JUST for TODAY CONTEST!

This was Katherine's winning post
on the Can You Afford It? Facebook Page:
I knew someone who ...
"... drank all types of alcohol when he was very young
and did it a lot. Now, he is an alcoholic
and has massive brain damage because of his drinking.
He was so bad off at one time
that he was in the hospital and he checked himself out
because he "needed" a drink.
To this day he needs help from a his family
because the drinking did permanent damage to his brain."

Monday, April 22, 2013


Entries may be submitted all day today -
right through midnight -
Tuesday, April, 23, 2013!
Send in submission or post to qualify
to WIN the $25 Gift Card to Starbucks!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Play It Safe Down on the Island!

The Tiki Bar Opening marks the kick-off of spring/summer on Solomons Island and once again, a terrific group of concerned citizens with be heading up the designated driver program. Thousands of people will swarm the island this Friday and Saturday from Southern Maryland and beyond - by car, motorcycle, bicycle, shuttle, bus, cab, limo, boat, and on foot - to party with the masses. Enjoy everyone, but please, please, please be careful.

As in previous years, the designated driver program is sponsored by Bob Hall LLC, Anheuser Busch, the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office, the Maryland State Police, the Calvert Alliance Against Substance Abuse and the Calvert and St. Mary’s counties Community Traffic Safety programs. Because the designated drivers play a key role in helping to keep people safe, each DD will win a prize immediately and will also be entered into one of the drawings for the grand prizes. For more information, click HERE.

You can pick up your car, motorcycle,
bicycle, or boat the following day.
It's worth it ... it really is.
Please Play it Safe!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Want to Be Part of the Community Alcohol Coalition?

A dedicated group of people, mostly volunteers, attends monthly meetings of the Community Alcohol Coalition (CAC). This group of professionals, educators, business owners, county government employees, students, marketing professionals, media representatives, and law enforcement meet on a monthly basis to discuss the ongoing efforts for creating awareness on the dangers of underage and/or binge drinking within our community. Each person brings so much to the table during brainstorming sessions about the best ways communicate our message - a message which may save lives.

The CAC could use your help!

If you are interested in becoming part of this important community outreach, please join us for the upcoming meeting on Tuesday, April 23, 2013 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at Health Connections in the Outpatient Pavilion of MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital. Your ideas, enthusiasm, talents, and participation are most welcome and appreciated!

Hope to see you on Tuesday!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving

Can YOU Afford It?
You're out partying, just having a few with friends. Your inhibitions and good judgement are out the window and you don't think twice about getting behind the wheel and taking off. It's what you do. You have done it before and nothing bad has happened. The trick your mind plays on you when you have a buzz is to make you feel invincible. Buzzed driving IS drunk driving. What can you do? If you have enough money to party, then you have enough money for cab fare. If you have a cell phone, make a call to someone you know has not been drinking. Sure, you may need to wait longer than you would like, but it's worth it.

I Knew Someone Who ...

"... would cover one eye when driving drunk. She would brag about having the best technique for getting rid of double vision. She was pulled over one night after swerving in between three lanes of traffic on the highway. Her technique obviously didn't work."
- Anonymous

Friday, April 12, 2013

Third Leading Cause of Preventable Death

April is Alcohol Awareness Month 
High-risk drinking is a widespread problem
with extensive consequences.

Each year, nearly 80,000 people die from alcohol-related causes, making it the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States.

Alcohol problems cost the U.S. $225 billion each year, primarily from lost productivity, but also from health care and property damage costs. These issues affect every American, regardless of whether they drink or not.

More than 30 percent of U.S. adults will meet the criteria for an alcohol use disorder at some point during their lives. The term “alcohol use disorder” includes both alcoholism and harmful drinking that has not reached the level of dependence.

Alcohol-related problems — which result from drinking too much, too fast, or too often — are among the most significant public health issues in the United States.
  • An estimated 18 million Americans have an alcohol use disorder.
  • One in four children grows up in a home with an adult who has a problem with alcohol, and
  • Only one in four people with alcoholism ever receives treatment, which increases the likelihood of long-term recovery.
Globally, alcohol is the third leading risk factor for premature death and disability.

- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I Knew Someone Who ...

I Knew Someone Who ...

... brought booze to school and then passed out in class. He was the captain of the football team and was kicked off of the football team.


Monday, April 8, 2013

Make the Call!


We know you have heard this plea before, but it's worth repeating if it helps you to remember: MAKE THE CALL.

No matter what your age, please don't drink and drive. MAKE THE CALL.

Even if it means that you need to call your parents, significant other, sibling, child, friend, or a cab company ... MAKE THE CALL.

Sure, you may have to deal with consequences, depending upon your age, such as being grounded, having people mad at you, being ridiculed, or having to spend money. No one ever died of embarrassment. Too many have died because of drunk driving. MAKE THE CALL.

It's worth it ... don't risk your life and the lives of others.
MAKE THE CALL ... please.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Creativity Contest WINNER Announced!

First off, thanks to ALL who submitted entries -
we appreciate your talent and willingness
to share with us and others.

And the winner
of the Creativity Contest -
"Reasons that I
don't drink  alcohol ..."
is ... Taylor Wood!
You may ask me why I do not drink at parties?
You may wonder why I always say no.
I do not want to be part of the peer pressure,
so instead I look and remember I want to survive.
Being a kidney transplant recipient,
I want my kidney to last longer
than someone who is constantly drinking.
My top priority for the rest of my life
is this single transplant.
So the main reason that I do not drink alcohol,
you may ask, would be because
I do not want to ruin my life
and be on a hospital bed one more time.
I do not need my stomach pumped
to be cool
but most of all
I do not need another kidney transplant
because of alcohol.

- Taylor Wood

$25 AMC Movie Theatre
Gift Card, Taylor!


TODAY is the BIG DAY - Deadline is 4:00 PM!

Good morning, friends!
Today is the final day to submit your Creativity Contest entry on the topic of "Reasons that I don't drink alcohol ..."
By 4:00 p.m. today,
please post your story, poem, artwork,
music, video, or photo
directly on our Facebook page
(please indicate whether or not you wish to remain anonymous).
For all of the details:

The winner will be announced at 5:00 p.m. today
and will receive this fantastic prize:
$25 AMC Movie Theatre Gift Card!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Haiku for You! Another Creativity Contest Entry!

Drinking is not good. It affects your body. Do not drink and drive. Because you could crash. Alcohol is addictive. Never drink too much. Don't drink alcohol. Drinking hurts your family. Don't put them through that. If you have a drink, You have to get a driver. Don't drive drunk ever. Never drive alone. If you don't want to drunk drive, Do Not Drink at all.
~ Crystal Cooper

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wondering if You Have an Addiction to Alcohol

Are you concerned about the role alcohol plays in your life? With 26 questions, this simple self-test is intended to help you determine if you or someone you know needs to find out more about alcoholism.

Please Note: This test specifically does not include drug use.

Directions: The following questions are a self-test to help your review the role that alcohol plays in your life. Remember that the questions do not include other drugs taken for medical and non-medical uses. Carefully read each statement. When preparing each response, take into consideration your actions over the course of the past 12 months.

Yes or No: Decide whether your answer is YES or NO and then check the appropriate space.
Please be sure to answer every question.
National Council
on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence
What are the Signs of Alcoholism?

1. Do you drink heavily when you are disappointed, under pressure or have had a quarrel
with someone?

2. Can you handle more alcohol now than when you first started to drink?
3. Have you ever been unable to remember part of the previous evening, even though
your friends say you didn’t pass out?
4. When drinking with other people, do you try to have a few extra drinks when others
won’t know about it?
5. Do you sometimes feel uncomfortable if alcohol is not available?
6. Are you more in a hurry to get your first drink of the day than you used to be?
7. Do you sometimes feel a little guilty about your drinking?
8. Has a family member or close friend express concern or complained about your drinking?
9. Have you been having more memory “blackouts” recently?
10. Do you often want to continue drinking after your friends say they’ve had enough?
11. Do you usually have a reason for the occasions when you drink heavily?
12. When you’re sober, do you sometimes regret things you did or said while drinking?
13. Have you tried switching brands or drinks, or following different plans to control your
14. Have you sometimes failed to keep promises you made to yourself about controlling or
cutting down on your drinking?
15. Have you ever had a DWI (driving while intoxicated) or DUI (driving under the influence
of alcohol) violation, or any other legal problem related to your drinking?
16. Do you try to avoid family or close friends while you are drinking?
17. Are you having more financial, work, school, and/or family problems as a result of
your drinking?
18. Has your physician ever advised you to cut down on your drinking?
19. Do you eat very little or irregularly during the periods when you are drinking?
20. Do you sometimes have the “shakes” in the morning and find that it helps to have a
“little” drink, tranquilizer or medication of some kind?
21. Have you recently noticed that you can’t drink as much as you used to?
22. Do you sometimes stay drunk for several days at a time?
23. After periods of drinking do you sometimes see or hear things that aren’t there?
24. Have you ever gone to anyone for help about your drinking?
25. Do you ever feel depressed or anxious before, during or after periods of heavy drinking?
26. Have any of your blood relatives ever had a problem with alcohol?

Understanding Your Score:

A "no" is scored 0, and a "yes" is scored 1.
The score reflects the total number of questions that were answered “yes”.
A score of 2 or more indicates that you may be at greater risk for alcoholism.

If you answered “yes” to between 2 and 8 questions, you should consider arranging a personal meeting with a professional who has experience in the evaluation of alcohol problems.

If you answered “yes” to more than 8 questions, you may have a serious level of alcohol-related problems requiring immediate attention and possible treatment. You should seek professional guidance.

Disclaimer: Although these questions incorporate many of the common symptoms of alcoholism, the NCADD Self-Test is intended to be used for educational purposes only and should not be understood to constitute a diagnosis of alcoholism.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Another Creativity Contest Entry!

Reasons that I don't drink alcohol ...

1. My dad is an alcoholic.
2. My friend's brother died in a car wreck when he was drunk driving.
3. I want to go to a good college
4. I don't want to disappoint my mom.
5. I don't want my boyfriend to break up with me.
6. I signed a pledge.
7. I want to be a good role model for my younger sister.
8. I don't want to become an alcoholic.
9. I don't like hanging out with people who drink.
10. I don't want to end up doing anything I wouldn't normally do.
11. I want to keep playing sports.
12. I want to be a psychiatrist.
13. I don't want to lose my friends.
14. I want to keep having a good reputation.
15. I want to be able to help people, not hurt them.

~ Anonymous