Saturday, March 2, 2013

When Drinking Didn't Work Anymore


"This Could Be Me"

I started drinking at the age of 12 with friends. Everything seemed better when I drank and all the stuff that was bothering me just slipped away. I soon became a daily drinker and I loved how drinking made me feel. Family problems, school pressures, difficulties making and keeping friends ... all of it changed when I drank. I didn't worry about what was happening with my family anymore. I didn't care about school and did the minimum to get by and graduate. I felt popular, attractive, and funny when I drank and I made tons of friends.

Things were going along fine until I got to college and drinking wasn't helping anymore. Every time I drank I became increasingly depressed, but I kept drinking. I was chasing that feeling I got in my early drinking days. My family problems, school pressures, and difficulties with friends became bigger than ever and I kept blaming everyone else for my problems. I became suicidal and often fantasized how I would do it - then all of those people who had given me so much trouble would be sorry.

When I heard about the death of a friend I used to party with in high school, it hit me hard. He was drunk, drove at a high speed into the side of the brick wall of a mall movie theatre, and died. That's when the reality hit me ... that this could be me. I decided to put down the bottle and get help. It wasn't easy and sometimes it's still not easy, but I don't want to go back to not dealing with life on life's terms and being drunk and miserable. I don't want to die or cause the death of someone else. Getting sober was the best decision I ever made.
~ Anonymous

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