Saturday, May 25, 2013

Take Part in this Important Training

We invite you to participate in an important training for implementing Communities Mobilizing for Change on Alcohol (CMCA), an evidence-based model program for addressing youth alcohol use on June 27 & 28, 2013. The Youth Leadership Institute (YLI) helped design this model in cooperation with the University of Minnesota - and will deliver the first in a series of three training modules over the course of the next year. 

Why it's important 

Funding at the federal, state and local levels has become increasingly difficult to compete for and Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention have been greatly impacted. The Maryland Strategic Prevention Framework (MSPF) grant funds the Community Alcohol Coalition (CAC) for five years, of which we are currently in the third year. These grant funds have a specific requirement to support "environmental prevention strategies" and the CMCA has been identified as a primary environmental strategy going forward. For these reasons it is important to build our capacity to implement the CMCA which will ensure the sustainability of the efforts put forth by the CAC.

This training is absolutely necessary in protecting our youth - to continue and enhance our efforts.   

What we've already accomplished
The St. Mary's County CAC has been recognized at the state level and looked to as a model for other Maryland coalitions implementing the Maryland Strategic Prevention Framework (MSPF). During this year's statewide prevention conference, hosted by the Maryland Association of Prevention Professional and Advocates (MAPPA) in October, 2012, we were asked to present on the progress and success of CAC. This was fairly significant considering the esteemed audience of seasoned preventionists and coalition leaders attending the conference, who were very receptive and many inquired about using our Can You Afford It? campaign in their jurisdictions. This offers the possibility of a broadly recognized "brand" across the state, developed by your efforts in supporting the CAC, which can be used to support additional prevention efforts including prescription drug abuse, over-the-counter drug misuse, tobacco, etc. The Can You Afford It? campaign vehicle will be used within the local overdose prevention plan, which is currently being developed. Additionally, the state asked for our representation in developing an Underage Drinking video sponsored at the federal level by the administration of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services. Our media campaign provided essential elements in the development of this video, due out in April. All of these are important achievements in considering our future challenges of competing for fewer and fewer available dollars at the federal, state and local levels.
The most important thing to remember ...
... this training will give you the tools to effectively reduce underage drinking in St. Mary's County and ensure the sustainability of our efforts as a true community effort. People of all ages - especially the youth of our community - are invited to participate in the training. 

We seek to increase youth participation and provide tools and resources to develop youth leaders, who will continue to drive our efforts and success.

To participate, please contact:

Matthew Reisdorph
Administrative Coordinator
Department of Human Services
301-475-4200  Ext. 1684

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Think You're Keeping Kids Safe? Think Again.


Everyone knows that the legal drinking age is 21 in every state and in the District of Columbia. Parents find themselves in an interesting place with this, since the legal drinking age was 18 back in their day. Some think, "Hey, it was fine for us to party and we're all still here." Others adamantly believe in following the letter of the law to protect their children. And others are right in the middle, "As long as my child drinks responsibly under my roof with my supervision, it's acceptable."

"In many cases, parents do this under the false assumption that they are protecting their kids," said Robert Lindsey, Director of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. "They make the assumption that they won't drink elsewhere and that's not true."

Marking the end of another school year, the parties are amping up - Memorial Day Weekend, graduations, Fourth of July, and more. If you are hosting a party for your underage child and their friends, please consider the following:

1. It is illegal in the state of Maryland to provide alcohol to minors, whether it is in your home or elsewhere. It is a criminal offense which can result in probation, heavy fines, jail time, and you can be sued for damages.

Maryland's Social Host Law: It is a violation of the law to knowingly and willfully allow possession or consumption of an alcoholic beverage by an underage person in a residence and the area around a residence.

Adults who are charged with this violation face graduated sentences. The first offense is a misdemeanor punishable by a maximum fine of $2,500. Second and subsequent offenses are misdemeanors punishable by a maximum fine of $5,000.  (Maryland Criminal Law Code Annotated Section 10-121).

2. You could be held responsible if one of the party attendees gets into a drunk driving accident after consuming alcohol at your home / on your property.

3. You could be held responsible if violence results after minors have consumed alcohol at your home /on your property.

4. Your job, security clearance, or professional license could be compromised.

Please consider the possible consequences.
Your kids may not think you're cool now,
but they will one day.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Mark Your Calendar and Join Us!

A dedicated group of people attends monthly meetings of the Community Alcohol Coalition (CAC). This group of professionals, educators, business owners, county government employees, students, marketing professionals, media representatives, and law enforcement meet on a monthly basis to discuss the ongoing efforts for creating awareness on the dangers of underage and/or binge drinking within our community. Each person brings so much to the table during brainstorming sessions about the best ways communicate our message - a message which may save lives.

The CAC could use your help!

If you are interested in becoming part of this important community outreach, please join us for the upcoming meeting on Tuesday, May 21, 2013 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at Health Connections in the Outpatient Pavilion of MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital. Your ideas, enthusiasm, talents, and participation are most welcome and appreciated! Treats will be served :)

Hope to see you on Tuesday!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Anything Like This Ever Happen to You?

Wowwww ... that's a drag!
Anything like this ever happen to you
or to someone you know?
Feel free to SHARE your
"I Knew Someone Who ..." story on

Monday, May 13, 2013

One in Three?! YIKES!

WHOA - that's a pretty glaring reality!

If you are going to drink, please don't drive. If your driver has been drinking and refuses to hand over the keys to a designated driver, please call someone you trust or call a cab.

This is a big time of year for celebrating - the school year is coming to an end, graduations, parties, and summertime! Be safe out there so you or someone you care about doesn't become part of this unfortunate statistic.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Party ALL Night Long!

Partying without alcohol or drugs, actually!
Project Graduation
is coming up 
following your graduation -
celebrating this awesome milestone in your life -
You, classmates and guests will enjoy an all-nighter of music, food, games, activities, great surprises, and a ridiculous amount of FUN! What's really cool: attending this party is YOUR choice. If you're good with celebrating without alcohol or other drugs and sign the contract, then this is the must-not-miss party. No one - not your parents, teachers, school administrators, or any other adults in your life - can make this decision for you. It's all yours.

Project Graduation Dates:
St. Mary's Ryken High School
Kings Christian Academy
Tuesday, May 28th at the Drill Hall at Pax

Leonardtown High School
Wednesday, May 29th at the Drill Hall at Pax
Great Mills High School
Thursday, May 30th at the Drill Hall at Pax
Chopticon High School
Friday, May 31st at the Drill Hall at Pax

Wondering what the deal is with Project Graduation? This project is all about increasing awareness of the dangers of drinking, drugging and driving and to reduce the number of youth involved in alcohol and other drug-related highway crashes.
"Project Graduation has become much more than an event that occurs on graduation night. It is a community wide planning process that strives to create a caring, supportive environment and more open communication between youths and adults." - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Will we see you there?  

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Excursion of the Grads to Ocean City!

Are you going to celebrate the end of your high school career with the trip to Ocean City, Maryland? Thousands of high school grads will flock to the beach for fun in the sun, cruising the boardwalk, and to be part of the big party.

Rock that!

The purpose of Can You Afford It? is not to lay down a lecture series and tell you to not drink alcohol. The majority of you will likely be drinking - that's the reality. We pass along information about the dangers of underage and/or binge drinking ... and YOU make the choice which is right for you. Sure, some of what you read on our blog seems like doom and gloom with a lot of statistics, less than attractive photos, and videos of what can happen. It's because we don't want you to become a statistic.

If you will be partying, consider the following:

1. Stick close to your friends - don't head out alone with someone you just met.
2. Don't go in the water when intoxicated.
3. Avoid drinking games where massive quantities are consumed too quickly.
4. Keep you cell phone handy.
5. If in a hotel room party, avoid the balcony.
6. "If you're hungry, eat something." - from the movie "Best in Show"
7. Avoid carrying a lot of cash.
8. Stay connected - have a daily check-in time with parents/grandparents.
9. Drunk friend? Don't let them sleep on their back.
10. Really drunk friend? If you have any concern whatsoever, call 911 immediately. "Better safe, than sorry."

Thursday, May 2, 2013

FREE Statewide Conference on Reducing College Drinking

The Maryland Collaborative to Reduce College Drinking is holding a statewide conference on "College Drinking in Maryland: What's Happening and What Works." This event will take place on Wednesday, May 8, 2013 from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, University Center Ballroom. The topics to be covered will include: the nature and extent of the college drinking problem nationally and in Maryland; the best practices for campuses and community partners to reduce college drinking; implementation successes and challenges; how to create environments that support student and community health, safety, and success.

Date: May 8, 2013
Time: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Cost: Free
Place: University of Maryland Baltimore County, University Center Ballroom
           1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250

If participants are not already registered in the TRAMS system, you will be directed to register in the system first. After registering in the TRAMS system, you may then register for the conference. For all of the details and to register, click here.